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Beach & Park Cleanups

Have you ever wanted to visit a park or beach to enjoy the surroundings but ended up finding a bunch of trash? Take the opportunity to help clean up with your friends and family using one of our LLG sponsored events.

Get started today

Do you want to help clean up beaches and parks in your area? Organize and get involved with our environmental action team to save the planet today.


Leviathan Lobster God beach clean ups help to protect the planet and you! If you don't live near water please consider a local park or nature trail in your area. The fresh air is nice and you get some bonding time in the process.




We cannot do this alone. Invite your friends and family on trips to the beach with a couple of bags and litter pickers. It's fun and can be nice exercise.


Watch as Crab Boi cleans up garbage and then saves a turtle 🥺

Our undersea hero goes on a journey to save the ocean and helps friends along the way. Stay tuned for future stop motion Lobster God episodes where you get to learn more about saving the oceans.

#stopmotion #leviathanlobstergod #savetheplanet


Our new art pack is here and full of images and GIFs that and you can download and share with friends online or print out for extra evangelical fun. Get it now by signing into your member account!

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